Mona Lisa swallow

What is Mona Lisa Swallowing According to Dr. Mew?

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Mona Lisa swallow by Dr. Mew, a renowned orthodontist, has recently sparked a fascinating theory regarding the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa.

According to his research, the famous subject of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece may be swallowing.

For centuries, art enthusiasts and scholars have debated the meaning behind Mona Lisa’s smile have debated the meaning behind Mona Lisa’s smile.

Some believe it to be a reflection of her inner thoughts or emotions, while others argue that it is simply a result of Leonardo’s exceptional artistic skill.

However, Dr. Mike Mew proposes a different explanation, based on his expertise in orthodontics and facial aesthetics.

Dr. Mew suggests that Mona Lisa’s subtle smile is a result of her swallowing.

Swallowing involves the coordinated movement of various muscles in the face and neck, including the orbicularis oris muscle, which controls the lips.

Mona Lisa swallow


When we swallow, this muscle contracts, causing a slight upward movement of the corners of the mouth.

By closely examining the features of Mona Lisa’s face, Dr. Mew identifies certain characteristics that support his theory.

He notes the presence of a slight bulge on the left side of her neck, just below the jawline, which he suggests could be the result of the hyoid bone moving upward during swallowing.


Mona Lisa swallow

This movement could potentially create a subtle lifting effect on the muscles around the mouth, resulting in the mysterious smile.

Furthermore, Dr. Mew points out that the position of Mona Lisa’s tongue may also play a role in her smile.

Mona Lisa swallow

The tongue is a vital component of the swallowing process, and its position can affect the movement of surrounding muscles.

Dr. Mew hypothesizes that Mona Lisa may have had her tongue pressed against the roof of her mouth, a common position during swallowing.

This could have contributed to the upward movement of her lips, creating the distinctive smile.

Mona Lisa swallow

While Dr. Mew’s theory is intriguing, it is important to note that it is just one interpretation among many.

The true meaning behind Mona Lisa’s smile remains a mystery, and it is possible that we may never fully understand it.

Leonardo da Vinci was known for his meticulous attention to detail, and it is entirely possible that the smile was intentionally left open to interpretation.

Nevertheless, Dr. Mew’s theory offers a fresh perspective on an age-old question.

His expertise in orthodontics and facial anatomy lends credibility to his hypothesis, and it provides an interesting angle for further discussion and analysis.


It is worth noting that Dr. Mew’s theory has received both praise and criticism from the scientific and art communities.

Some experts argue that the theory oversimplifies the complexity of facial expressions and emotions, while others appreciate the interdisciplinary approach and the new insights it brings to the table.

In conclusion, Dr. Mew’s theory suggests that Mona Lisa’s smile may be the result of her swallowing.

While it is impossible to confirm this theory definitively, it adds an intriguing layer to the ongoing fascination with this iconic painting.

Whether or not Mona Lisa’s smile is indeed connected to her swallowing, the mystery and allure of her enigmatic expression continue to captivate audiences worldwide.


Mona Lisa swallow


For digging deeper watch full video here

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