How to Find the Center of Your Mouth for Better Mewing

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Mewing is a technique that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential to improve facial structure and overall health. It involves proper tongue posture and correct oral posture to help align the jaw and promote proper breathing. One key aspect of mewing is finding the center of your mouth, as it plays a crucial role in achieving optimal results. In this article, we will explore some simple methods to help you locate the center of your mouth for better mewing.

Why is Finding the Center of Your Mouth Important?

Before we dive into the methods, let’s understand why finding the center of your mouth is important for mewing. The center of your mouth serves as a reference point for proper tongue posture. When you position your tongue correctly at the center, it helps maintain balance and stability, which is essential for achieving the desired results from mewing.

Method 1: Using Your Teeth

One way to find the center of your mouth is by using your teeth as a guide. Follow these steps:

  1. Close your mouth and bring your teeth together gently.
  2. Run your tongue along the roof of your mouth until you feel the ridge or bump behind your front teeth.
  3. Continue moving your tongue backward until you reach the point where you feel an equal distance between your left and right molars. This is the center of your mouth.

Remember to keep your tongue in contact with the roof of your mouth as you locate the center.

Method 2: Using the Palate

Another method to find the center of your mouth is by using the shape of your palate. Here’s how:

  1. Close your mouth and relax your tongue.
  2. With your tongue resting on the floor of your mouth, gently press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
  3. Slowly move your tongue backward until you feel the highest point or arch of your palate.
  4. The highest point of your palate represents the center of your mouth.

Take your time to feel the shape and contour of your palate to ensure accurate placement of your tongue.

Method 3: Using a Mirror

If you find it challenging to locate the center of your mouth using the previous methods, you can try using a mirror. Follow these steps:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror with good lighting.
  2. Open your mouth slightly and position your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
  3. Observe the position of your tongue and the symmetry of your mouth in the mirror.
  4. Adjust the position of your tongue until it feels centered and balanced.

Using a mirror can provide visual feedback and help you achieve the correct tongue posture for mewing.


Finding the center of your mouth is an essential step in practicing proper mewing technique. By using methods such as using your teeth, feeling the shape of your palate, or using a mirror, you can locate the center and ensure optimal tongue posture. Remember, consistency and patience are key when it comes to mewing. With practice, you can improve your facial structure and overall well-being. Happy mewing!

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