The Importance of Mastering Fast Mewing and Swallowing

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Proper oral posture plays a crucial role in maintaining overall oral health and facial aesthetics.

Two key aspects of oral posture that are often overlooked but essential to master are fast mewing and swallowing.

In this article, we will explore the importance of these techniques and how they can positively impact your oral health and facial development.

Let’s have a look to some celebrities like cillian Murphy and Jordan barret.

How important these two exercises for them.

Play and notice after few seconds


Now let’s see this guy is doing that while conversation


In the first few seconds you can notice he is swollwing very fast.


What is Fast Mewing?

Mewing is a technique developed by Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist. It involves maintaining the correct tongue posture against the roof of the mouth to encourage proper facial growth and development.

Fast mewing, as the name suggests, refers to performing the mewing technique with quick, deliberate movements.

Fast mewing helps strengthen the muscles in the tongue and face, leading to improved facial symmetry and a more defined jawline.

By applying gentle pressure to the roof of the mouth, fast mewing helps to expand the upper palate, which can correct issues such as a narrow dental arch or a recessed chin.

The Benefits of Fast Mewing

Fast mewing offers several benefits when practiced consistently:

  1. Facial symmetry: By strengthening the muscles in the face and encouraging proper growth, fast mewing can help improve facial symmetry, leading to a more balanced appearance.
  2. Jawline definition: The increased muscle tone and improved tongue posture achieved through fast mewing can contribute to a more defined jawline.
  3. Improved breathing: Fast mewing helps to open up the airways by expanding the upper palate, potentially improving breathing and reducing the risk of snoring or sleep apnea.
  4. Enhanced oral health: By maintaining proper tongue posture, fast mewing can help prevent issues such as tongue thrusting, malocclusion, and dental crowding.

The Importance of Proper Swallowing

Swallowing is a natural reflex that we do without thinking. However, improper swallowing patterns can have negative consequences for oral health and facial development. Proper swallowing, also known as the tongue swallow, involves the tongue pressing against the roof of the mouth as the food or liquid is being swallowed.

When the tongue is correctly positioned during swallowing, it helps to strengthen the muscles in the face and maintain proper alignment of the teeth and jaw. On the other hand, a swallowing pattern that involves pushing the tongue against the front teeth can lead to issues such as an open bite or an overbite.

The Benefits of Proper Swallowing

Mastering proper swallowing techniques can have several benefits:

  1. Facial development: Proper swallowing helps to maintain proper oral posture, which can contribute to balanced facial growth and development.
  2. Orthodontic stability: By avoiding tongue thrusting against the teeth, proper swallowing can help prevent relapse after orthodontic treatment.
  3. Improved digestion: Proper swallowing ensures that food and liquids are efficiently transported to the stomach, aiding in digestion.
  4. Reduced risk of dental issues: By avoiding improper tongue posture during swallowing, the risk of dental problems such as malocclusion, dental crowding, and tooth misalignment can be minimized.

How to Master Fast Mewing and Swallowing

While fast mewing and proper swallowing may seem simple, they require practice and consistency to achieve the desired results. Here are some tips to help you master these techniques:

  • Be mindful of your tongue posture: Throughout the day, make a conscious effort to keep your tongue in the correct position against the roof of your mouth.
  • Practice fast mewing exercises: Perform quick, deliberate movements with your tongue against the roof of your mouth to strengthen the relevant muscles.
  • Seek professional guidance: Consult with an orthodontist or myofunctional therapist who can provide personalized guidance and exercises to help you master fast mewing and proper swallowing.
  • Stay consistent: Like any habit, consistency is key. Make a commitment to practice fast mewing and proper swallowing techniques daily for optimal results.

By mastering fast mewing and proper swallowing, you can take control of your oral health and facial development. These techniques, when practiced consistently, can lead to improved facial symmetry, a defined jawline, and enhanced overall oral health. Remember to be patient and seek professional guidance if needed, as everyone’s journey towards mastering these techniques may vary.

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